Singer Brown Shugar beaten by supposed lover Sipapa

Singer Brown Shugar beaten by supposed lover  Sipapa

Singer Brown Shugar is in tears after being beaten by her long time lover Charles Oryem Alias commonly known as Sipapa.

Sipapa and Brown Shugar  have been together for along time,Sipapa has also been investing a lot of money in the music career of Brown Shugar.

“Banage Sipapa has injured me so badly and he has taken my in hospital right now and afraid of my in kyaliwajala I urgently need help.he took both my phones and my little money for the business.”singer Brown shugar cried out on her face book page.

Sipapa is a ugandan socialite, music promoter and the owner of Sipapa Entertainment, he is also a husband to singer Serena Bata.

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