Staff members in various public institutions of higher learning have threatened to put down their working gears if government does not work upon their payments.
In a December 3, confidential letter to the Education Minister, Hon Janet Museveni, staff members promised to Withdraw their labour in public universities if their salary query is not resolved by the end of year 2018.
Prof Venansius Baryamureeba, the Chairperson Board of Directors, Uganda Technology and Management University (UTAMU) however warned of the possible dangers of continued strikes.
“If the strike happens, public institutions will continue to lose international and local students to private universities. It’s also bad for partnerships as foreign universities don’t want to partner with unstable universities.” he urged.
Through their numerous associations including; Forum for Academic Staff of Public Universities in Uganda (FASPU) and Public Universities Non-Teaching Staff Executive Forum (PUNTSEF), the staff also verified that the ministry of finance has failed to pay pending arrears of Shs 29.5bn in the financial year 2017/2018 as was earlier pledged by government.
The affected public universities include Busitema University, Gulu University, Kabale University, Kyambogo University, Lira University, Makerere University, Mbarara University of Science and Technology, Muni University and Soroti University.