MUBS VS Ndejje

Ivan Olupot

MUBS tactician, Hillary Kimbugwe looks set to deploy his best cream of players in an attempt to contain the quality of Ndejje University ahead of their highly anticipated clash later, on 26/3/2013 the match Kicks off at 4:00PM
at  MUBS play grounds. On the other hand, his opposite Alfred Muhumuza looks set to field the same team that played against Nkumba, knowing well that a win is a much needed result in avoiding back to back loses. Muhumuza though is optimistic: “The boys played very well against Nkumba, and lost by a narrow margin, but against MUBS, we ought to give our best.” “We know they play well, but we shall take nothing less than a win.” added Muhumuza.

MUBS look to be the on form team as they concluded the last season on a high and also started this season well, with an impressive 4-1 victory over MUST in Mbarara.
Ndejje lost their first match of the season and will now look to bounce back.
All the teams have no worries about injuries and suspensions and therefore a mouth-watering clash is anticipated ahead of the 4pm kickoff, with both teams boasting opf the ability to possess and pass the ball.

MUBS: Joachim Gooloba, Martin Bugembe, Shaban Omara
Ndejje: Joseph Mubiru, Martin Wasswa, Yunus Luwaga and Isaac Kasozi

MUBS: Joachim Gooloba who’s a versatile midfielder having the abilities of dribbling skills and moving forward and some times reserves time for netting.
Martin Bugembe one of the many play makers MUBS has gotten passing via the right wing of the pitch and danger man Shaban Omara who’s articulate on goal

Ndejje:Martin Wasswa and Yunus Luwaga will be the commanders in chief in the midfield role and goal keeper Isaac Kasozi’s grips and reflexes have to be good if Ndejje are to salvage a point in the game.



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