You can close your eyes from the things you don’t want to see but you can never close your heart from the things you don’t want to feel.
Love is not something you go out and look for. Love finds you, and when it does, ready or not, it’ll be the best thing to ever happen to you.
Because of this, these campus lovebirds couldn’t imagine that they continued enjoying the party unknowingly even when all the guests had left.
But all this in the name of love worsened by uncontrolled boozing eventually led the onlookers to Hang Over part iii….
Any way, just like a puzzle, when you’re in love, all the pieces fit but when your heart gets broken, it takes a while to get everything back together.
Those love birds turned themselves to love rats !…a descent lady would not leave her man like that..!!
Those love birds turned themselves to love rats !…a descent lady would not leave her man like that..!!