If you want to make your relationship work, it may be time to give it some TLC. A little special attention will go a long way to solving your relationship problems.
Generally speaking, I think people often give up on their relationships before they should. Or they won’t seek the kind of help they need to get the relationship going in a positive direction.
Hanging in there is essential for long term success. Avoid the tendency to quit when you become discouraged. The success adage, Follow One Course Until Successful, applies to relationships, too.
In fact, some of the world’s happiest relationships got off to a rocky start or have overcome serious problems. Just have focus
F . . . Follow
O . . . One
C . . . Course
U . . . Until
S . . . Successful
Conquering The Honeymoon Phase
If the shiny, new luster has worn off your relationship, it may simply mean your relationship is changing and maturing. The honeymoon or infatuation phase only tends to last about a year or two, and then the relationship starts to seem less exciting and more problematic. Relationships need attention at this stage, and it’s wise to take care in adjusting to the subtle and gradual changes taking place.
Since the intoxicating glitter has faded, some people panic and think the relationship has failed . . . so they go out and find a new one that will fill them with rapture. The new excitement feels good for a while, but it too will eventually wear off.
All mature relationships learn to weather the storm and find ways to keep themselves happy and stimulated, while giving themselves time to settle into a deeper, more satisfying relationship.
Don’t let your relationship problems push you into ending your relationship prematurely. Give it time and try to work it out. On the other hand, if your relationship is dangerous and unhealthy, it may be wise to get out right away. Many people have worn themselves out trying to change a relationship partner with a serious problem, such as alcoholism or drug addiction, or a violent behavior problem.