Guild President fights over girl

H.E Kayihura Safiri Felix,the Guild President of Nkumba University enjoying a light moment with one of the campus girls.

The Guild President of Nkumba University, Kayihura Safiri Felix is allegedly fighting love battles with Sudanese students, The Campus Times has learnt. Close sources reveal that Kayihura has allegedly fought several times with a Sudanese student over a campus girl only identified as XXXX, not real names.

Those close to the two parties say that their love scandal has been going on secretly for the last four months. The cat was only let out of the bag when Kayihura was seen exchanging blows with a gentleman at Hope hostel a fortunate ago. However, this fight seemed not to have solved any of their indifference, last week Kayihura was again seen flexing with another Sudanese student, a.k Obote at S&S super market.

This forced students to find out why H.E Kayihura was fighting in such a public place. It’s alleged that Kayihura is using his position as Guild president to hook other students’ fiancés and because of this; he has won himself a new title, the ladies’ president. Friends to the lady’s president (Kayihura) say that they have tried to intervene but no promising fruits have been yielded yet.  He however says that these are baseless claims. Adding that the girls themselves keep on tempting him because they think he has the money.

“You should know that I’m not an exception, I’m a human being with all the functionalities of life, and in all corners, these girls are there, but still I am there president and can’t pass them minus saying Hi”, Kayihura, the Lady’s president concluded it all.

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