Guidelines for Registration For Semester Two, 2017/2018 Academic Year at Makerere University

Guidelines for Registration For Semester Two, 2017/2018 Academic Year at Makerere University
Students standing near the Makerere University Main Building.Students standing near the Makerere University Main Building. (Photo :Makerere University PR Office)

This is to inform all students that access to online registration is open. Registration can be done wherever internet connectivity is available. The system cycle will be open for three (3) weeks and the deadline will be Tuesday 20th February, 2018.

Note that this registration is for subjects/courses being offered in Semester II for respective programmes. Once registered, each student is enabled to print the registration print-out which shall be used as evidence of registration. Every continuing student is expected to pay fees due on the first day of the semester. However, in the event that the student is unable to pay full fees on the first day of the semester, he/she shall pay a commitment fee of UG. Shs.200,000/= (Two hundred thousand shillings only) which shall form part of fees due for the semester to enable him/her register.

Students who belong to the under listed categories are advised to contact the School Registrars before they can be registered.

(i) Retakes Cases

(ii) Stay Put Cases

(iii) Withdrawal cases

(iv) Audited Courses

(v) Extension Cases

The College/School Registrars should provide students with guidelines/Instructions for registration.

Any student who will not have registered by the set deadline will not be considered to be a University student and shall be charged a late registration fee or deregistered as provided by the current Fees Payment Policy.

In case of any problem, consult your College/School Registrars. College Accountants are responsible for providing the financial status to all students and generating lists of paid up students to the Deans. They will also clear paid up students to be issued the examination permits before sitting University Examinations

Alfred Masikye Namoah


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