Brayo Seleckta From MUBs Wins University Deejay Contest

Brayo Seleckta From MUBs Wins University Deejay Contest

Brayo Seleckta a third year student from Makerere University Business School( MUBS) pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Entrepreneurship and small business management won the university Deejaying contest over the weekends.

Brayo Seleckta at Cayenne restaurant and bar Courtesy Photo

This event was organized by Sprite at Cayenne restaurant and bar, where deejays from different universities were invited to participate in the contest.

Universities include Makerere, Kyambogo, KIU and MUBs.

The deejays were cumulatively gathered from activation events from all universities in the country where they had to impress and be chosen to represent their university at the grand finale

Brayo Seleckta battled with various university deejays at the finale such as Selekta Tosmic, Jahlive, among others.

Brayo in his words said “I was scared because these guys were real good but I guess I was the best.”

The guest deejays were Deejay Naselow and Deejay Sir Aludah who entertained the crowd mainly “campusers”.

Brayo Seleckta as awinner, he received a deejay set fully equipped

Brayo Seleckta with his deejay set Courtesy Photo

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