International conference on Technology and Management set at UTAMU

International conference on Technology and Management set at UTAMU

Preparations are in high gear ahead of the first International Conference on Technology and Management (ICTM14) that will be held in Kampala from 3rd – 5th August 2014.

According to Prof. Jude T. Lubega, the Deputy Vice Chancellor (UTAMU) who doubles as the overall chairperson of the ICTM-14, UTAMU is making final arrangements to host re-known academics, industrial experts, professionals and practitioners in fields of Technology and Management across the world. Several delegates are expected to attend the conference from all over the world.

The Vice President of the Republic of Uganda, H.E Edward Sekandi is expected to officiate at the opening of the conference and will be the first one in a series of conferences to be organized in future by UTAMU. The theme for this year’s conference will be: “Improving Service Delivery Through ICT and Management Revitalization”.

The conference will have distinguished keynote speakers including Prof. Henk Sol from the Netherlands, Prof. V. Baryamureeba, Prof. Waswa Balunywa, the Principal, Makarere University Business School and Prof. Benon C. Basheka.

“These are highly experienced personnel in their specific fields of specialization and the first ICTM 14 conference is pleased to have them as the first keynote speakers. Authors from different Universities, organizations and countries will also be presenting papers during this conference”, Lubega highlighted.

Prof. Lubega expressed his satisfaction that the organizing committee for the upcoming conference was more than committed and prepared to host participants to an illustrious and life changing academic event.

“We are profoundly honored to host the first ICTM conference. It is an indication that UTAMU possesses the expertise and experience to participate in graduate matters like conference organization. This attests the fact that UTAMU has positioned itself as a prime University not only in teaching but also research undertaking and training,” he added.

He noted that a colloquium has been organized for PhD students to present, discuss and learn from experienced researchers and encouraged PhD students from other Universities to register to attend the conference.

The conference will take place at the International Resource Centre (IREC) in Bugolobi, Kampala and is open to the public after satisfying requirements of registration. Details about the ICTM 14 conference are available at ICT-14 website.

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