You can now login on Facebook as anonymous

You can now login on Facebook as anonymous

Are you uncomfortable with the information Facebook shares about you with third-party apps and websites? Good news: Facebook has a solution.

Facebook (FB, Fortune 500) on Wednesday unveiled an anonymous login feature that allows users to sign into apps without sharing their identities.

The apps will be forbidden from collecting personal data from people who use the feature.

Facebook has become a kind of universal sign-in mechanism for websites and apps, allowing people to click one “login with Facebook” button rather than remembering an endless number of usernames and passwords. But Facebook also shares users’ personal information with those apps and websites, making some people wary.

“By giving people more power and control, they’re going to trust more apps,” Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said at the company’s annual F8 developers conference in San Francisco.

The social network rolled out the new feature to a limited set of apps, including Flipboard, but Facebook said anonymous login will be available more broadly in the coming months.

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