The idea of starting up Islamic University in Uganda was suggested in 1974 second summit of the Organisation of the Islamic conference. Later in the year 10th February 1988 it officially opened at Mbale being the main campus and later opened other campuses which included Arua, Kibuli and females’ campus over time.

The females campus begun in 2008 in favour of girl children under the Islamic conduct. This campus has grown over time with numbers from within Uganda and international level.This campus is located at Kabooja, Wakiso district off Masaka district 1 mile from Natete.

The map below shows the location of Islamic University in Uganda Females’ campus

Below is the panorama view of the females’ campus from the administration area.


Over years this campus has favoured girls and the public sector to invest in different things like entrepreneurship business. I am happy to say that this campus has favoured women development.

Many girls besides the other outside businesses have invested so as to improve their personal lives as well as community around them. Some of these businesses include selling of veils, bags, shoes, clothes, soap, food, makeup, making chapati among others. The administration has done it’s best in favouring such activities.

Graphics below showing the entrepreneurship business around the Islamic University in Uganda Females’ campus

Bikira Sulaiman a student at IUIU females’ campus pursing a bachelor in Records Management year 3 explained to us her experience with her small business of sewing/tailoring clothes and designing them ,she started the business in her year one amidst all challenges with economy so as to support herself and assistant her parents.

Her business so far has gained her a lot of popularity within campus and outside, she is able to buy her personal needs and avoid being used by men as other girls do. She mentioned to us challenges of late payment, “undermining of students towards my work” among other few.

Her appreciation for the campus administration which helped her reduce rent, gave her an ample stay within the university environment. later she gave girls an advice on how best to improve themselves.


Below is a video of Binti explaining more on her tailoring business

Namawejje Lamla a 3rd year student pursing a bachelor of Education in History and Islam. Her side hustle and business is in making and selling of liquid soap, washing soap and hair shampoo.

This business has benefited her over time through being able to raise her own personal pocket money and also assisting her mother who helps her.

She also goes through various challenges of debtors, increased prices of equipment and needed chemicals for mixing the different flavors in her soap. She continued to credit the administration in helping her achieve her dreams.

Bellow is a video of Lamla showing us her project and explaining more along her own made products like soap

Nantongo Zulaika a student of Mass communication operates on a small business of soft drinks like soda, water, milk, yoghurt that she operates on her room in a fridge. This besiness has developed over time due to the closeness she has with students within the halls of residence.

She admits profits are made mostly in the sunny period and night time. She has encountered various challenges like power blackout, debtors.


Below is Zulaika’s audio explaining how far she has come with her business

A student dealing in selling charcoal in small potions is Nakayi Aisha she does this from Fatuma hall within her small space in her room. She explained that she begun the business to improve her income and continues to face challenges of weather changes like rain where the supply is less, debtors as well. Administration continues to play a big role in smoothening her work.

Aisha portioning the charcoal

As explained more on her audio

Business in shoes is one of the prominent businesses done by women, Fahima Nambatya has taken part in the same at IUIU fc although at a small scale it’s coming up slowly due to high demand for fashion stock. Her challenges are on the issue of limited pass out to get her commodities on time. She thanks administration as well.

Below is video of Fahima along her goods

Rashida Nabulime is dealing in ladies bags from Hafswa Hall of residence which she best explains as the new trend on market. This being a girls environment she thought better in investing in it. She looks ahead in a way that she will develop and improve her life. Business can’t happen without loses, debtors and other conflicts as she explains.

Leather Bags

Rashida explains more in an audio

Head of Marketing as well as Public relations officer Mr Afan Baligeya Kinyankali on behalf of the campus administration enlightened us more on the reasons why the campus favours the on going many businesses of students.

He went on to explain why the campus creates such opportunities especially for the girl child, he showed me a hand made mat for his office chair from a student who makes them from Khadijah hall. Later called upon everyone to come join the university in the next intakes.

Mr. Baligeya Afan

Entrepreneurship is overwhelming in this 21st century and the youth majorly are involved to their full potential. This was an inspiring story to borrow a leaf from especially the young generation. Girls at this campus have proven that all can be done education along side business.

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