Cultural Dress-Codes of Different Students at IUIU Females Campus.

Islamic University in Uganda females campus Kabojja has a variety of tribes who wear different cultural dress codes. However these tribes have their different cultural wears that differ from one culture to another, they literally wear them on cultural occasions within the campus.

A list of different cultures at Islamic University in Uganda Female’s Campus Kabojja.

In the Baganda culture, there are specific dress codes that vary depending on the occasions. forexample, during traditional weddings, men typically wear Kanzu (long white robes) and women wear Gomesi (long dresses). The reason for this dress code are rooted in traditional and cultural significance, as it represents respect for the event and the community.

Nagawa’s picture below showing how Baganda women wear

Nagawa showing her cultural wear

A video of a traditional dress code for Baganda below.

“Nagawa Quruthum, says that the Gomesi is worn on ceremonies such as introduction commonly known as kwanjula and okukyala. She says that you start by wearing a cloth called Ekikoyi after you wear the Gomesi and you rap it with the rapper which is known as Ekitambala and for the fact that she’s a Muslim after wearing she veiled herself.”

Below is a video of Nagawa explaining on how to wear the Baganda attire on the events.

After wearing the Gomesi she went on to wear the men’s attire (kanzu) called Omulela. She says that the most interesting thing about Omulela is that they sew it with hands and when wearing it you should first wear the vest, trouser so as to look good.

Nagawa talking about the tradition dress code for men below;

below is the dress code for Baganda men.

One can comfortably match the kanzu with any color of a jacket or suit that they prefer, However one should never wear a kanzu with jeans, it should be with soft trousers.

Apart from the Baganda, Females campus also has the Banyoro and Batooro, these people are from the Tooro sub region such as Hoima, Masindi, Kagandi among others and commonly wear an out fit known as Kasuka or Omwenagiro for women and men kanzu. It’s worn on ceremonies like Okweranga, Kwanjurra

Below is a picture of Banyoro and batooro dress code called kasuka.

Akasuka or Omwenagiro

Inline to the above, females campus has Banyankole and Bakiga students. These people are also from western Uganda and south western Uganda they are known for Obusuti. It’s worn on Kuhinjira and Okugamba Obugyenyi.

Below shows a Bakiga and Banyankole attire

Western wear

Apart from the above, the Nigerian at IUIU females campus have there cultural dress code for women worn on different ceremonies such as the introduction and it’s called the Atampa attire “

Below shows a Nigerian student in their dress code.

“chiamaka Zainab says that the cultural dress is worn in ceremonies like the itoro”. When the bride groom has come to ask a hand in marriage in the girl’s home.

A Picture of a Nigerian dress code below.

“Nimo Abdl Rahma a student of females campus says that their traditional dress code is (Hindiyo Dakana) worn by Somalia’s most especially on occasions such as wedding ceremonies”.

After seeing the Nigerian dress code, here is a picture of a Somali student dress to kill below.

Somalian wearing Hindiyo Dakana.

The bride wears it and comes out to have a little dance with the dancers.

Below is a video of Abdul Rahma talking about their dress code and when they wear it.

A Somali student talking about their dress code.

Females campus encourages students to respect and cherish their cultural dress code. The Tanzanian also do the same as they have there culture wear called Dela, they wear them on events such as the chicken party

Below is a video of a dress code for Swahili students

Phildaus showing her cultural wear

Below is the audio showing Phildaus explaining their dress code and on what event do their wear it.

However the Banyarwanda at females campus are many in number we see their cultural dress codes on events such as the Cultural Gala. The Rwanda traditional dress for women is called Mushanana, it consists of a wrapper piece(long) with a short piece of cloth that hangs.

A picture of Kinyarwanda dress code below

Kinyarwanda wear

They literally make their hair natural, they don’t add on it rather they comb it and put a thread on the head to make themselves smart and it is believed that they are the most beautiful people in Uganda.

“keinembabazi says that the dress code comes in different colors of the skirt which is some times heavy or light and they are worn with colorful beads and mean wear Omushanana with a white skirt and a black and white beaded neckless with a walking stick.”

Below is the audio of the Kinyarwanda dress code and also shows the event on which they wear the attire.

Lastly, the Karamojong wear, Students at females campus also have a unique traditional dress code that varies based on gender, age and occasion. women wear brightly colored dresses with beaded necklaces and bracelets. The dress is typically worn during cultural events, tribal gatherings.

Below is a picture of a Karamojong woman.

traditional dress code for Karamojong
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