Gulu University Graduation Slated for 19th January

Gulu University Graduation Slated for 19th January
 The 14th graduation ceremony for Gulu University is slated to take place on Saturday January 19, 2019 at the main campus.
According to a statement from the academic registrar, Mr Jerry Bagaya clarified that all graduands should first pay all the graduation fees to be eligible for graduation.
The graduation dues amounts to 130,000/=
“Note that the graduation related fee: Graduation 100,000/=, Convocation 10,000/=, Transcript 10,000/=, Certificate 10,000/=”, the statement read.

However, the fees are exclusive of graduation  gowns and all graduands are to cater for their own gowns.

Gowns are available for viewing at the Admissions Office, Department of Academic registrar.

Collection of graduation cards and other graduation materials will be done from January 14-17th. “


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