The Academic Registrar Makerere University requires all admitted First Year students for the Academic Year 2015/2016 to take note the following:
- The Provisional admission letters will be issued from 27thJuly, 2015 at the respective Colleges/Schools.
- The Orientation Week will run from 15thto 22nd August, 2015.
- All privately sponsored first year students should pay 60% tuition and all functional fees before issuance of original admission letters.
- Registration is a Mandatory requirement of the University which MUST be done within the first two (2) weeks from the beginning of the semester by every student.
- You must possess at least 6 copies of all your original academic documents, pass ports photos and a bank account IN YOUR NAMES.
- Change of Programme/Subjects forms will be issued and received back from Monday 17thto Friday 21st August, 2015 in the Undergraduate Admissions Office, Level 3, and Senate Building.